Join Worship Service Remotely or Attend In Person

Everyone Welcome!

Attend Worship Services In Person

All are welcome to attend Tuscany Ward worship services in person. Sunday worship services are held at the Silver Springs chapel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You're welcome to join with us, or locate a worship service near you.

Chapel Address
6560 Silver Springs Crescent NW
Calgary, Alberta
T3B 3R2

Read more about what to expect when attending church.

Watch Online

Sunday worship services are broadcast as a Zoom Webinar.

The broadcast is available to the public, no Zoom registration required. Attendees who join the webinar will see the broadcast as a "one way" livestream.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Watching Remotely

  1. Do I have to download Zoom watch the worship service?

    The Zoom application is required if you're joining from a smartphone or tablet. If you're joining from a personal computer, Zoom will automatically open when you click on the link.

  2. How long are the worship services?

    Sacrament meetings normally last 1 hour.

    In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sunday worship services are sometimes called "Sacrament" meetings, because the primary purpose of the meeting is to administer the ordinance of "the sacrament", blessed bread and water, to those attending in person who wish to partake of it.

    Out of reverence for the ordinance, the administration of the bread and water to those in attendance is not broadcast. The broadcast will temporarily pause while the sacrament is being administered.

  3. Can I be seen or heard by others when I'm watching the service on Zoom?

    No, you will not be seen or heard. Zoom webinars do not allow attendees to enable their camera or microphone.

    The Zoom application will prompt webinar attendees to provide a name and email address. Names and email addresses are not required and if provided, they are retained beyond the end of the meeting.