Tuscany Ward News

News and Information for the Tuscany, Calgary congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Join Our Weekly Worship Service

Everyone welcome!

Worship services held every Sunday at 9:00AM.

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West Stake Center of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Tuscany Ward is a congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

The Tuscany Ward offers Sunday worship services and gospel based programs for children, youth and adults. All are welcome to attend. Learn more about what to exepect at church.

Guided Tours of the Calgary Temple Grounds

Request a personal tour of the Calgary Temple grounds.

Ask questions and have a personal one-on-one presentation of photos and videos of interior, and learn about the sacred ordinances performed in the Temple.

Everyone welcome!

Book A Tour  

"...if ye are prepared ye shall not fear."

The Tuscany Ward has a recommended Household Emergency Preparedness Plan

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Learn More About Attending Church